A rticles
Islam in Italy
- Destroying the Myth of Arab Sicily
- Palermo: The Farce of UNESCO's “Arab Churches” in Sicily
- Forgotten History: The Redemption of the Christian Slaves of Islam
- The Folly of the Neo-Bourbonists
- History Against Neo-Bourbonist Myths
- The Presumed Catholicity of the Bourbons
- The Risorgimento Was Not Against Catholicism or the Catholic Church
- The Sicilian Hatred of the Bourbons Which Neo-Bourbonists Conveniently Ignore
- The Alliance Between the Rothschilds and the Bourbons of Naples
- The Bourbons and the Rothschild Bank of Naples
- England, the Risorgimento and the Bourbon Fleet
- A Historical Hoax: The Piedmontese Lager of Fenestrelle
- The Brigand Carmine Crocco: A Common Criminal
- The Brigands: Common and Heinous Criminals
- Catholicism and the Risorgimento
- The Myth of Freemasonry and the Risorgimento
- The Myth of the “Masonic Risorgimento”
- Pontelandolfo Was Not a Massacre
- The Enormous Public Debt of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and the Covenant with the Rothschilds
The Habsburg Myth
- Austrian Exploitation of Lombardy and Venetia
- The Economic Policy of the Habsburgs in Lombardy-Venetia, 1815-1866
- Veneto as a Colony of Austria and the Destruction of its Economy, 1815-1866
- Pellagra in Veneto and the Responsibility of the Habsburg Government
- Radetzky and the Habsburgs: Haters and Persecutors of the Italians
- Radetzky: Military Occupation and Colonialism
- Franz Joseph: Historical Enemy of the Italians
- The Habsburg Genocide in Dalmatia
- The Agony of Italian Dalmatia Under Franz Joseph
- The Beginning of the Elimination of Italianity: November 12, 1866
- The Forced Slavicization of Clergy and Liturgy in Julian Venetia and Dalmatia by the Habsburg Empire (1866-1914)
- The Habsburgs and the Rothschilds: What Anti-Italian Conspiracism Pretends Not to Know
World War I
- The Austrian Treason, 1904-1915: Betrayal and Aggression by Austria Against Italy
- 100 Thousand Deserters? Anti-Italian Myth of the Great War
- The Myth of Italian Treason
South Tyrol (Alto Adige)
- Alto Adige — Not ‘South Tyrol’: A Historically Italian Territory
- The Romanity and Italianity of Alto Adige (South Tyrol)
- The Germanization of South Tyrol: The Cultural Genocide of the Ladins
- 150 Years of Italy or 21 Centuries of Fatherland?
- Brief History of the Name ‘Italy’
- Brief History of Italy and the Italian People
- The Concept of the Italian National State: From Antiquity to the Risorgimento
- The National Idea in Italian Literature: Patriotism and Italian Identity Before the Risorgimento